EnergyAdvantage is a convenient way for existing or new members to control costs and monitor energy usage on their own terms. Using a flexible pay-as-you-go system and user-friendly energy tracking tool on My EnergyHub, members can decide the amount and frequency of their payments, and budget their energy usage accordingly. Think of it as a checking account for your energy.
Who can participate in this program?
The program is available for all residential locations and locations supporting the residence such as a detached garage, well pump, fence, etc., where an AMI (advanced metering infrastructure) meter has been installed. The program is completely voluntary and is offered to both existing members and new members connecting service with EnergyUnited. EnergyAdvantage electric service is charged in accordance with EnergyUnited’s applicable residential and small general service rates.
How much does it cost to enroll in the EnergyAdvantage program?
A $50 minimum credit balance is required at enrollment. In addition, a $25 fee is required for activation and a $5 membership fee will apply to any new EnergyUnited member for the initial account set up. Accounts enrolled in the EnergyAdvantage program are subject to a monthly service fee of $7.
How can I stay informed about my account or balance?
The best and easiest way is to log in to My EnergyHub on the EnergyUnited website or app. Here you can view your balance and usage, make payments and manage notifications. Members may also use our automated account information system at I-800-EUNITED.
Will I receive a bill each month?
Members enrolled in the EnergyAdvantage program will be automatically enrolled in paperless billing and will not receive a monthly bill or statement.
Will EnergyUnited notify me if my account balance is low or needs to be replenished?
You must register for My EnergyHub to choose your notification options. You may elect to receive notifications by home phone, cell phone, text message and/or email alert notifications. Since this is the only notification that you will receive from EnergyUnited, we suggest that you select more than one alert method. If you choose the low balance notification, approximately 5 days before we project that your account will be at a zero or non-credit balance, you will receive an alert via the selected notification method(s). This will give you an opportunity to purchase more electricity before running out of credit.
How can I make payments?
EnergyUnited offers several convenient payment options. You can make payments 24 hours per day by phone, by logging into My EnergyHub on the EnergyUnited Website or app, at one of our Kiosk locations, drop boxes, Vanilla Direct payment agent location, or Western Union locations.
Is there a minimum payment amount requirement?
No, we do not require a minimum payment amount while a member is enrolled in the EnergyAdvantage program. Members can choose to pay as much or as little as they wish. However, when a member enrolls in the EnergyAdvantage program or re-establishes the program after disconnection, a $25 connection fee and minimum account balance of $50 will be required.
Can I use the bank draft payment/autopay option on this plan?
EnergyAdvantage accounts are not eligible for bank draft/autopay.
What happens if I run out of credit?
If your account balance runs out, your service will be subject to immediate disconnection, excluding on weekends, holidays and during inclement weather. If service is disconnected, the following must occur for reconnection: Any amount owed must be covered along with a $25 reconnection fee and a minimum starting balance of $50. You will be notified via all selected notification methods when you have an estimated 5 days of credit remaining. Notifications will continue until additional credit is applied or service is disconnected.
Will I lose my capital credits if I choose the EnergyAdvantage program?
No, members who elect to enroll in the EnergyAdvantage program or who elect conventional billing are subject to the same EnergyUnited Service Rules & Regulations and Bylaws. The method to determine capital credit allocations and refunds is the same for all members. Members enrolled in EnergyAdvantage, if applicable, will receive a capital credit adjustment on their December statement of account.
If I find that this program doesn’t work for me, can I convert back to conventional billing?
Absolutely! Participation in this program is completely voluntary and you can elect to convert back to conventional billing at any time. To do so, EnergyUnited will require payment of any applicable deposit, unbilled charges, and associated fees to activate conventional billing. If your account has been in good standing for 24 consecutive months, you may choose to convert to conventional accounting with no deposit.