EnergyUnited is governed by a nine-member board of directors elected by the cooperative’s membership. The board of directors represents the memberships’ interests and oversees management of the cooperative’s affairs. One director from each of the cooperative’s three districts is elected to the board every year and serves a three-year term.
Part of the value of being a member-owner of EnergyUnited is the opportunity to participate in the election of our Board of Directors and choose our cooperative’s leadership. The Board of Directors that you elected has the final say on all major decisions made by your cooperative, from the policies set to the rates we charge for electricity to overseeing the chief executive officer position that manages EnergyUnited’s daily operations.

Jerry Anderson
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Prior to that, he had been a member of the Crescent EMC Board since 1984. During his tenure on the Crescent EMC Board, he served as both Secretary and Treasurer, and has also served as Treasurer on the EnergyUnited Board.
Jerry has earned the following credentials from the NRECA:
– CCD (Credentialed Cooperative Director) – February 2015
– BLC (Board Leadership Certificate) – March 2022
Jerry has attended the following training in the past two years:
– Cybersecurity: The Board’s Oversight Role
– Developing Effective Boardroom Decision Making
– Increasing Influence and Building Board Consensus
– Boardroom Challenges: Connecting Theory to Action
In addition to his service to EnergyUnited, he is a partner in Anderson Aggregates, LLC. He is a member and past President of the North Davie Ruritan Club, is a former trustee of the Davie County Hospital Board of Directors and is a former Davie County Commissioner.
Jerry is a graduate of Harmony High School, is married to Dianne and is a member of the Sandy Springs Baptist Church, where he serves as a deacon and a Sunday school teacher. In his spare time, he enjoys classic cars.

Craig Black
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Craig has earned the following credentials from the NRECA:
– CCD (Credentialed Cooperative Director) – February 2020
– BLC (Board Leadership certificate) – December 2021
– Director Gold Credential – December 2022
Craig has completed the following courses for director training in the past two years:
– Cooperative Communications and Public Opinion: The Director’s Perspective
– Cooperative Structure: A Strategic Advantage
– Risk Oversight: The Board’s Role in Risk Management
– Conversation Skills Outside the Boardroom
– Developing Effective Boardroom Decision Making
– Electric Vehicles: Strategy and Policy Considerations
– Crucial Conversations in the Boardroom
– Rate Strategies
– ESG and the Cooperative Difference
Craig and his family have been EnergyUnited members since 1997 and reside in Mooresville. He and his wife Kathy have been married 26 years and have two daughters, Abby and Maggie. He is an active member of Mooresville High Athletic Boosters and Top of the Lake Rotary Club.
Craig graduated from East Davidson High School and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Operations Management from UNC Charlotte. His 32-year career in the printing and packaging industry has focused on strategic planning, business development and marketing.
Craig served as a director during the cooperative’s recent governance review and helped develop and execute the cooperative’s strategic plan, which focuses on providing members with safe, reliable energy at competitive prices, while offering more information for members to better manage their energy spending. He also supported the Board of Directors in recent policy changes such as Director term limits that have given members more opportunity to serve the cooperative. He strongly supports EnergyUnited’s rural economic development initiatives as well as the EnergyUnited Foundation, which, through the members, has given millions to local charities.

Edgar Cartner
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Ed has earned the following credentials from NRECA:
– Director’s Certificate – January 1991
– Board Leadership Certificate – September 1996
– Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate – October 1998
– Director Gold Credential Certificate, Latest Renewal – April 2022
Ed has attended the following training:
– Appraising and Compensating the CEO
– Increasing Influence and Building Board Consensus
– Boardroom Challenges: Connecting Theory to Action
– Developing Effective Boardroom Decision Making
– Cybersecurity: The Board’s Oversight Role
– Electric Vehicles: Strategy and Policy Consideration
Ed was a member of the Crescent EMC Board beginning in 1987. He served as a member of the Board of Directors of the EnergyUnited Services Corporation until it was dissolved with the selling of EnergyUnited Propane in 2021. He served on the Search and Selection committee when EnergyUnited was faced with finding a new CEO, only the third since EnergyUnited was formed.
Ed is a retired business and sales professional with several years of customer service experience in our local communities. He served in the US Army during the Vietnam Era, after graduating from Cool Spring High School and studying Business Administration at Mitchell College. He is active in Ruritan National, having served as local Club President, Zone and District Governor, National Treasurer and National President in 1980. He is currently a member of the V-Point Ruritan Club. He and his wife, Sarah, are lifetime members of Salem Methodist Church in the Davie Academy community. They enjoy working on their farm and traveling when possible.

Jill Doss-Raines
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She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she earned two bachelors of arts degrees in journalism and English. She lives in Davidson County with her husband, Chris Raines, and their two sons, Wade and John.
Doss-Raines has worked as a senior reporter, magazine editor, lifestyles editor, and community news editor at The Dispatch newspaper since 1992. She has been telling the stories of her community, its businesses, and its people for nearly 32 years. Prior to coming to The Dispatch, she worked for six months at The Mount Airy News in Surry County, where her paternal relatives call home.
Doss-Raines has served on the board of several organizations, including The Life Center, which is an adult day care; the PTOs at Midway and Welcome Elementary schools and North Davidson Middle School; Partners in Education at North Davidson High School; and the Welcome Swim Club. Additionally,she was raised in Forsyth County and is a lifelong member of Shiloh United Methodist Church. At her church, she has served as the building fund treasurer, the Children’s Church teacher assistant, Bible School instructor and on the Administrative Council for the past 30 years.
In her spare time, Doss-Raines enjoys reading, especially historical fiction, cooking and traveling. During the school year, she and her husband enjoy visiting their son, Wade, who is a rising senior at Western Carolina University. Their younger son, John, will be a freshman there this fall.

Ronnie Harrison
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Ronnie has earned the following credentials from NRECA:
– Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) – October 1998
– Board Leadership Certificate – November 2000
– Director Gold – January 2022
Ronnie has attended the following training:
– Cooperative Structure: A Strategic Advantage
– Boardroom Challenges: Connecting Theory to Action
– Ethics and Governance
– Increasing Influence and Building Board Consensus
Ronnie and his wife, Virginia, were married in 1979 and have been members of the cooperative since then. They have four children and seven grandchildren.
Ronnie is a graduate of Denton High School and Davidson Community College. He is a sixth-generation owner/operator of a corn and soybean farm in southern Davidson County. He serves as chairman of finance at Lineberry Church and is active in the men’s group. He is President of the south Davidson Family Resource Center Board, past President and current member of Denton’s Lion’s Club and is on the board of Mountain Vista Health Park. He is a former chairman of Handy Sanitary District and has served as President of South Davidson Fire Department, Denton Area Chamber of Commerce, and the South Davidson Jaycees. He is most proud of the consolidation of Davidson EMC and Crescent EMC that formed EnergyUnited.

Lisa Campbell Pullis
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She is the assistant director at the Iredell County Partnership for Young Children in Statesville, NC. Lisa has worked in the early childhood field for over 26 years and is also a co-owner and educational consultant with Bailey, Pullis & Riggins LLC.
Lisa currently serves as the co-president of the North Carolina Association for the Education of Young Children Board of Directors, ICARE-Headstart Board of Directors, Iredell County Partnership for Young Children Board of Directors, North Carolina Pre-Kindergarten Board of Directors, and many other committees and boards. She also served on the EnergyUnited Member Advisory Committee, and has been an EnergyUnited member since 2010.
Throughout her professional journey, Lisa remains focused on high-quality early care and education for children from diverse cultural, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds, as well as different family structures. She deeply believes that all children should be exposed to equitable learning opportunities to thrive and reach their fullest potential.
Lisa earned a master’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and her bachelor’s degree from Appalachian State University. Lisa, and her husband, Lee, have two daughters and two sons.

Zolee Riggs
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Zolee has earned the following credentials from the NRECA:
– CCD (Credentialed Cooperative Director) – November 2022
Zolee has attended the following training in the past year:
– Applying Emotional Intelligence in the Boardroom
Zolee represents EnergyUnited District 2. Zolee and her family have been members of EnergyUnited since 2017. They reside in Kernersville, North Carolina. Zolee has been married to her husband, Lonnie, since 2005 and they have 3 boys: Laurence, Zachary and Landon.
Zolee, a native of Walnut Cove, North Carolina, first attended schools in Stokes County before attending UNC-Greensboro, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in 2004. From that point on, Zolee started a successful career in marketing, working for companies including Sara Lee Corporation/Hanesbrands, Liberty Hardware and most recently Lixil Americas. She is a goal-driven, people-focused leader with exceptional expertise in product management, sales performance and developing go-to-market strategies that boost revenue, increase market share, and solidify the customer’s supremacy in the marketplace.
In order to provide governance and supervision–and to promote our members’ interests in obtaining safe, dependable and affordable energy rates–Zolee takes satisfaction in her work as a Board member for EnergyUnited.

Brian Sisson
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Brian has earned the following credentials from the NRECA:
– BLC (board leadership certificate) Sep 2016
– CCD (Credentialed Cooperative Director) Sep 2014
– Director Gold – Jan 2018
Brian has attended the following training in the past two years:
– Cybersecurity – The Boards oversight role
– Applying Emotional Intelligence in the Board room
– Strategic Technologies and their impact on the cooperative
– Appraising and compensating the CEO
– Co-op Bylaws – Guiding Principles and current issues
Brian has served on the EnergyUnited Board of Directors since 2013, representing District 3. Brian and his family have been members of EnergyUnited since 1996 and reside in The Lake Norman area of Mecklenburg County. Brian has been married to his wife Tricia since 1991 and they have two children in the Charlotte area.
Brian earned a bachelor’s degree at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (1990) and a Master’s degree from Kennedy Western University (2003). He is the Chief Operating Officer of The Range Companies, which encompasses The Range at Lake Norman, The Range at Ballantyne, and The Pineville Gun Shop. Sisson is also a member of St. Mark Catholic Church in Huntersville, serving on the Usher Commission and the Crisis Abatement team.
Brian is a former Huntersville, N.C. Town Commissioner (2001-2009) and also served as the town’s Mayor Pro-Tem for four years (2005-2009). Brian served on the Mecklenburg Union Metropolitan Planning Organization from (2002–2009), serving as Vice Chair from 2006–2008. He was on the board of directors for the Lake Norman Chamber from 2002–2007 and returned in 2019 where he currently serves. He has also served on the North Mecklenburg Crime Stoppers since 2020.
Brian has been instrumental on the EnergyUnited Board of Directors in influencing policy change that has made EnergyUnited more efficient. He has also worked with the board to influence instituting Director term limits and making it easier for members who wish to serve in their co-op to run for seats on the Board of Directors. Brian also served on the CEO evaluation committee, selecting the first replacement CEO in the History of EnergyUnited.

Cheryl Wright
Vice President
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She was selected to serve a two-year term on NRECA’s Director Advisory Group (DAG) in January 2023. Cheryl is representing EnergyUnited and all North Carolina co-ops on this volunteer committee. She previously served on the Member Advisory Committee (MAC) and was President of the Lake Norman MAC her 2nd year.
Cheryl has earned the following credentials from NRECA:
– CCD (Credentialed Cooperative Director) – August 2021
– BLC (Board Leadership Certificate) – February 2023
– Directory Gold – September 2023
Cheryl has attended the following training in the past three years:
– Director Duties and Liabilities
– Understanding the Electric Business
– Board Roles and Relationships
– Strategic Planning
– Financial Decision Making
– Co-Op By-laws: Guiding Principles and Current Issues
– Improving Board Decision-Making Quality
– Your Board’s Culture and Its Impact on Effectiveness
– Assessing Governance: Taking a Continuous Improvement Approach to Governing
– Rate Strategies
– Cybersecurity: The Board’s Oversight Role
– How to Evaluate and Improve Board Performance
– Ethics and Governance
– Applying Emotional Intelligence in the Boardroom
– Succession Planning: Developing the Purpose-Driven Organization
– Equity Management and Boardroom Decision Making
– Role of the Board Chair in Conducting Effective Meetings
– Electric Vehicles Strategy and Policy Considerations
– Effective Governance in Crisis Management
– Capital Credits Issues and Decisions
Cheryl has served on the EnergyUnited Board of Directors since 2021. She and her husband Joe, have two daughters and have been EnergyUnited members since 2006.
Cheryl earned a bachelor’s degree in Urban and Public Policy from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Her 29-year career in the textile industry has included extensive experience and achievements in sales management and training. Cheryl is co-owner of Rightrock Sportswear. She is currently an active volunteer of the East Lincoln High School PTSO and Sports Boosters. Cheryl has been a member of the North Mecklenburg’s Woman’s club since 2020. She previously served on her neighborhood’s HOA board for five-and-a-half years.
Cheryl has been a guiding voice on the EnergyUnited Board of Directors in influencing policy change that has made EnergyUnited more efficient and reliable. She has also worked with the Board to influence instituting Director term limits and making it easier for members who wish to serve their co-op to run for seats on the Board of Directors. Cheryl also served on the CEO Evaluation Committee, selecting the first replacement CEO in the history of EnergyUnited.
Who RepresentsYour District?

District 1
Jerry Anderson
Edgar Cartner
Lisa Campbell Pullis
District 2
Jill Doss-Raines
Ronnie Harrison
Zolee Riggs
District 3
Craig Black
Brian Sisson
Cheryl Wright