Net Metering
meters perform
net metering?

What is Net Metering?
A system in which solar panels or other renewable energy generators are connected to a utility power grid and surplus power is transferred onto the grid, allowing members to use their own generated power and receive a credit on their bill for their surplus generation.
Yes, EnergyUnited offers net metering for residential and non-residential. Rate information is listed at the bottom of this page.
Members enrolled in net metering will see two separate kWh readings on their bill:
CHARGE: The quantity of electricity delivered from the utility to the member
CREDIT: The quantity of electricity generated by the member and delivered back to the utility grid.
No Standby Charge, KWH credited at avoided cost.
Credited energy will be at avoided cost, i.e. energy credits will be the kWh delivered back to the utility grid times the avoided cost rate schedule
Yes, EnergyUnited utilizes Sensus AMI technology for all meters, this technology can be programmed for net metering. No meter change is required.
What is an avoided cost rate?
Avoided cost is the rate at which EnergyUnited can purchase electricity from alternative sources.
There are separate avoided cost structures for Solar Generation and Non-Solar Generation.
The avoided cost calculation and/or the formula for such calculation will be adjusted, as needed.
and Install Solar panels?

Does EnergyUnited sell of install solar panels?
No, EnergyUnited manages the distribution electric system serving its members and does not install residential generation at this time.
EnergyUnited’s goal is to provide an easy process for local professional installers to interconnect at our member’s home or business. The interconnection agreement can be found on our website by clicking here.
Does EnergyUnited charge any fees when I install solar?
All Interconnection Applications require a non refundable application fee of $250 for residential members and $500 for non-residential members.
Yes, installations sized from 1 – 500 kW can choose our Small Generation – Purchase Power Service rider (SGPPS).
Our SGPPS rider goes only to 20 kW for residential and 100 kW for non-residential. Anything larger is handled on an individual basis.
With the SGPPS rider all energy production is metered and purchased by the cooperative at Avoided cost.
EnergyUnited currently does not partner directly with any installers. EnergyUnited has no mandate that all our energy should be supplied by solar. If an installer is making any statements regarding mandates, requirements or partnerships for solar installations please feel free to reach out to EnergyUnited and verify any such statements.
Do my Generation Credits roll over month to month?
All energy used and produced is credited or charged at that moment. There is no “offset” or carryover as a credit is applied each month for your excess production.
Any excess energy generated in any month is shown as a credit on your bill in that month.
How to Apply
Net Metering Rate
These are the technical documents and forms necessary to apply for interconnection with EnergyUnited.
*Interconnection Application (Small Generation) – Digital
*Interconnection Agreement (Small Generation)