In this issue:

A Letter from Our CEO

Thomas Golden

March is often spoken of as “going in like a lion, and out like a lamb” and as far as North Carolina weather is concerned, we’ve certainly found there to be some truth in that. On the “lion” side of things, March can bring some residual winter gusts as the month begins — and on the “lamb” side, March beckons in daylight saving, warmer afternoons and the first blooms of spring.

With greenery sprouting all around us, the team at EnergyUnited is prepped and ready for one of the heroes of our industry: the Vegetation Management team. This crew works preventatively by trimming plants and overgrowth that may impact reliable energy in the future. You might have even seen them out cutting a few branches or working along a line to make sure that the power stays humming along as we responsibly manage vegetation. I’m excited for this team to get a special spotlight in this issue of Connect, as they are truly pivotal in serving consistent energy to all of our members.

We work hard to provide you, as a member-owner of our cooperative, with relevant and interesting stories through this newsletter. We have articles featuring members and their stories as well as some EnergyUnited teammates. It’s part of what we like to call the “EnergyUnited Way.” It’s part of the community that we’ve built for 80+ years as a cooperative, your neighbor that you can look to for information, education and often, a helping hand.

After five years at EnergyUnited, and two as the CEO, I’m still in awe of the fabric of our cooperative. As a membership, we are diverse, invested, caring and engaged in the progress of our communities. We help one another out when we are in need, and push each other to be better. After all, a sum is only ever as good as its parts, and so by empowering one another, lifting each other up and celebrating our wins, we truly embody the “EnergyUnited Way.”

Here’s hoping you all have an amazing start to the spring with more “lambs” than “lions” and of course ample moments throughout the month that demonstrate just how powerful it is to be a part of the “EnergyUnited Way.”

Thomas Golden, CEO

Knowing the signsOf scamming

Cyber scams aren’t just reserved for big businesses anymore, individuals are increasingly becoming the victims of cyber scams and, unfortunately, many people can’t tell something is a scam until it’s too late. Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of common scammer tactics — read along to make sure you will not fall prey to any of these actions.

1. Urgency or threats: Scammers like to use a sense of urgency and even threats to get people to do what they want them to do. A very common example of this is the scam that begins with you getting an email that you’ve been charged hundreds of dollars for a service with an urgent call to action — “call within one business day.” They are trying to make you feel rushed because when people are rushed they feel flustered and don’t act as rationally.

2. Mimicking legitimate brands or businesses: Scammers WILL and DO take the time and spend the money to take out advertising to impersonate a known business. Before clicking a link, always check that the web address is legitimate (i.e., rather than something insidious like (though scammers are more subtle than that).

3. Sheer volume: Scammers and other bad actors send out an estimated 3.4 BILLION (yes with a B) spam emails DAILY. If they only get 1% of people to click on or respond to those attempts, that’s still 34 million responses. So it’s easy to see why people lost over $6 billion to scammers between 2021 and the end of 2023.*


1. Talk with people: If you are ever questioning the legitimacy of a potential charge, do not call the scam company — call your bank. Most banks and large companies have teams of people dedicated to tracking down bad actors and, at the very least, will often publish information to their customers about attacks. Also, if you are the recipient of an attack like this, share the event with loved ones and friends — spreading the knowledge is important.

2. Pause, think critically and trust your gut: If you get an email that your power is about to be cut off for non-payment when you know you’ve paid it or even if you’re not sure, call the number on your bill. If you’re not sure where to look or just confused about what to do next, call a friend or family member and work through it with them. Two people working a problem is always better than having to deal with it alone.


To learn more on protecting yourself from scams,

Click here

Everyday EmpoweredThe Power of Tree Trimming

Who doesn’t enjoy the beautiful tree canopy in North Carolina, especially on a warm spring or summer day? At EnergyUnited, our Vegetation Management (VM) team places a special focus on trees and how they affect the safety, reliability and cost of electricity we supply our members.

The Vegetation Management team possesses extensive industry experience and expertise in operations, natural resources, forestry and horticulture. Each year, the team develops and updates the cooperative’s vegetation management plan to ensure the safe, reliable and cost-effective delivery of power for more than 140,000 member connections.

For EnergyUnited, this goal is accomplished by leveraging a diversified strategy that includes methods such as directional pruning, mechanical trimming, mowing and low-volume herbicide application. As a result of this strategy, we are able to limit the frequency of future maintenance activities, thus avoiding unnecessary wildlife disturbances. Plus, the low-growing plant communities that are cultivated by the cooperative using this approach provide habitat and food for various wildlife species, including pollinators like bees and butterflies.

In addition to these methodologies, our team has also implemented a new program to remove problematic trees that pose the greatest risk to the cooperative’s vegetation management cycle. In 2023, crews were able to remove 3,329 trees through this program.

As our team inspects individual circuits or rights-of-way, they are also working closely with members and surrounding property owners regarding the removal and proper placement of trees or shrubbery to avoid interference with EnergyUnited infrastructure, while balancing the desire to provide shade and habitat.

As we prepare for spring landscaping and planting, it is critical to consider the location and impact on any nearby utility infrastructure.

  • Always call 811 to request the location of any underground facilities on your property before you dig.
  • Damaging underground utility lines can be costly and even deadly.
  • Visit our Vegetation Management page at to find our planting guide and more information about our cooperative’s vegetation management program.

By following a sustainable approach to tree trimming, EnergyUnited ensures the balance for reliable electricity and the preservation of natural habitats and resources. That’s the power of EnergyUnited tree trimming.

In 2023, EnergyUnited’s VM distribution workplan included the routine trimming and mowing of 837 miles along with 1,400 miles of low-volume herbicide work. Similar progress is expected in 2024 as well.

Final Seconds on the Clock:

The deadline to apply for the 2024 Touchstone Energy Sports Camp is March 31, 2024. Don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity to send your youngster to basketball camp at one of two prestigious North Carolina college campuses (North Carolina State and University of North Carolina Chapel Hill). This year the camp will be held June 16-19, 2024. Learn more and apply by clicking here.


Last year’s winners Yajat Govardhan (top) and Elleigh Williams (bottom)

Is your student planning to attend a college, university or technical school during the 2024–2025 academic year? Then they may qualify for our $5,000 Empowering the Future Scholarship! Learn more and apply by clicking here.


The EnergyUnited Foundation cares about cooperative communities and invests in multiple programs to offer critical assistance for those in need. If you are currently struggling with higher energy usage and searching for financial assistance, consider applying for a grant from our Heating Assistance program. Apply now by clicking here.

I Am EnergyUnited:Celebrating Women’s History Month

Kerri Brewer (LEFT) Project Facilitator
Lissa Giles (CENTER) Knowledge Development and Quality Supervisor
Eileen Pierce (RIGHT) Region Line Manager

EnergyUnited is proud to recognize Women’s History Month to celebrate the invaluable contributions of women throughout history. This time offers an opportunity to pause and reflect on the resilience and groundbreaking accomplishments of women in various fields, particularly those in the energy industry.

At EnergyUnited, we are proud to recognize the diverse skills and perspectives of women who lead and support teams across the cooperative. By recognizing and celebrating their achievements, we are not only honoring their contributions but are also inspiring future generations to pursue careers in the energy industry.

This March, EnergyUnited invites you to join our cooperative in commemorating Women’s History Month. Together, we can continue to create an environment where everyone can thrive and contribute to a dynamic energy landscape and a brighter energy future.

Sustainability CornerGoing Green & Going Electric

Spring is right around the corner, so why not make the sustainable switch to electric lawn equipment? Take a look at a few of these benefits:

  • Lower maintenance with fewer parts (no belt, oil or filter) to upkeep means going electric is more affordable in the long run and also makes it the more reliable choice!
  • No emissions from the fumes (and not stinky either!).
  • Quieter equipment means you can take care of your lawn even in the early morning without upsetting your neighbors!


99.9% Reliable EnergyFrom EnergyUnited

We work hard to keep your lights on and your home warm and comfortable, but even we can’t control Mother Nature. When outages happen our teams act quickly to restore power as soon and as safely as possible, but for members who want to make sure their home stays empowered no matter the weather, then a Generac generator may be the thing for you!

To learn more about Generators and keeping your home empowered 24/7.

Click here


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